Friday 6 March 2009

Tofu & Honey Carrots with Noodles

Thought to share one of my favourite tofu recipes, since I managed to find tofu in an ordinary grocery store here in Dublin! Lucky me! This is a very simple yet delicious quick meal. Using honey makes it rather a sweet dish and the pine seeds give a nice crunch.

I fell in love with the combination of tofu, carrots and honey here in Dublin, as it happens. I was 21 and working in a fast-food restaurant in the outskirts of the city centre and a friend of my sister's had cooked a bit for us to sample. Now I'm back here again, same city, but my turn to cook.

Tofu and Honey Carrots with Noodles

Firm Tofu
Soya Sauce
Black Pepper
Vegetable Oil
Pine Seeds
Egg Noodles

Cut the firm tofu into smaller cubes. Place in a bowl and marinate in soya sauce for at least 2 hours. Season with black pepper.

Peel and slice the carrots. Boil for a couple of minutes. Drain and throw on a hot frying pan. Add ginger and 2 spoonfuls of honey. Turn the heat down and stir so honey will not caramelize or burn. You just want to glace the carrots gently in the honey. Add the marinated tofu and fry, so that it has nice colour. Add the pine seeds.

Boil noodles according to instrustions in the packet. I prefer having spinach noodles myself, gives a nice colour balance with the carrots, but unfortunalely these are not always available in the store. Basically any noodles or rice will be just fine. Mix together and serve.

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