Monday 30 March 2009

Tiny Lemon Cakes for Baby Benjamin

This morning I became an aunt! My sister gave birth to a baby boy whom they called Benjamin Aleksanteri. The new little family lives in England so I wont have a chance to see the new arrival for a while, but still I decided to celebrate the occasion. My way is of course by making something sweet.

I got a recipe for a Spanish lemon cake from a colleague of mine who sometimes -not often enough!- brings her gorgeous cake to work to share. That's so nice of her! She was also so kind as to give me the recipe! I just love people like that.

I only made one fourth of the recipe since was running low on sugar and flour; the most basic cake ingredients.. Also because instead of making a cake I used my mini muffin tray. It's so handy! I have a lot of ideas for this recipe, can't wait to go to Finland and treat my family with all sorts of lemon delights! And for Benjamin to grow and learn about his Finnish heritage and good Northern food.

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